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Common checks and validations that are a PITA to remember
Is Integer?
- Check if a var is an integer
- support negative as well as positive integer values using extended regex
VAR=123 if [[ ${VAR} =~ ^-?[0-9]+$ ]]; then echo "Is integer" else echo "Is not integer" fi
TCP port check
- leverage /dev
- use timeout for sanity
- Use for any kind of TCP knock
- do not use FQDN, go by IP
IP= timeout 1 bash -c "</dev/tcp/${IP}/22" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "ssh port closed at $IP" else echo "ssh port open at $IP" fi
Find what using inodes
- use sudo if you are going against /
find / -xdev -printf '%h\n' | sort | uniq -c | sort -k 1 -n
Make a banner
skull(){ cat << EIEIO ************************************************************* * * * .=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-. * * | ______ | * * | .-" "-. | * * | / \ | * * | _ | | _ | * * | ( \ |, .-. .-. ,| / ) | * * | > "=._ | )(__/ \__)( | _.=" < | * * | (_/"=._"=._ |/ /\ \| _.="_.="\_) | * * | "=._"(_ ^^ _)"_.=" | * * | "=\__|IIIIII|__/=" | * * | _.="| \IIIIII/ |"=._ | * * | _ _.="_.="\ /"=._"=._ _ | * * | ( \_.="_.=" '--------' "=._"=._/ ) | * * | > _.=" "=._ < | * * | (_/ \_) | * * | | * * '-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=' * * * * Abandon All Hope * *************************************************************/ EIEIO } # abandon all hope ye who enter here skull
Create a CRC16 against string
- use caution in creating unique values < 65k, as there can be slop and overlap
- Good quick and dirty creation that is reproducible
STRING=foo crc16() { while read -r -d "" -n 1 ; do astring+=( "$REPLY" ) ; done <<< "$1" cnt=${#1} c=65535 for ((x=0;x<$cnt;x++)); do char=$(printf '%d' \'"${1:$x:1}") e=$(((c ^ char) & 0x00FF)) s=$(((e << 4) & 0x00FF)) f=$(((e ^ s) & 0x00FF)) r1=$(((c >> 8) ^ (f << 8) ^ (f << 3) ^ (f >> 4))) c=$r1 done c=$((c ^ 0xffff)) echo "$c" } crc16 ${STRING} returns value 26676
Generate random string
- Great for creating a password
- no reserved chars get generated
strings /dev/urandom | grep -o '[[:alnum:]]' | head -n 20 | tr -d '\n'
Create CRC32 from string
- just to be complete... :)
crc32 <(echo "LongString") 1624d322
Generate HEX for string
- Note this is not able to do the reverse
- No found method to convert the output back to LongString so this is buggy
echo -n "LongString" | cksum | cut -d " " -f1 | xargs echo printf '%0X\\n' | sh 5751BDB2
Convert first letter to Upper case
- PROJECT=testproject
PROJECT="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< ${PROJECT:0:1})${PROJECT:1}" echo ${PROJECT} Testproject Using tr, this will make the first letter always upper case and ignore the remainder of the string
Make leading zeros for output
- make 2 say 02 instead
- change the % values for things such as decimal precision or more leading numbers
$(printf "%02d" 2) 02
Stupid loop I keep forgetting
Used for renaming television episodes when what you think is a season does not match what tbdb thinks is a season
for x in $(seq 1 12); do z=$(( $x + 12 )); y=$(printf "%02d" $x) ; s2='s02e' ; s1='s01e'; if=$(ls ./*$s2$y*) ; fn=$(echo $if | sed "s/$s2$y/$s1$z/") ; mv $if $fn ; done