PHP Notes and Examples
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PHP Notes and Examples
change Array to JSON
$foo=json_encode($array,1); echo $foo . "\n";
Convert a VALID JSON string to array
$foo=json_decode($json, True); print_r($foo);
Example foreach loop (simple)
foreach ($nestedArray1 as $Array1) { do something with new array $array1[??}; }
Example Try Catch block
Use Exception; try { someRandoFunction; } catch (Exception $e) { doSomethingWhenErrorFound; } catch (ErrorName $e) { cryToMamma; }
Checking if file or dir exists. Starting point:
<?php $path_parts = pathinfo('/www/htdocs/inc/'); echo $path_parts['dirname'], "\n"; echo $path_parts['basename'], "\n"; echo $path_parts['extension'], "\n"; echo $path_parts['filename'], "\n"; ?> The above example will output: /www/htdocs/inc php
Go BACKWARDS in array From: php-how-to-get-the-element-before-the-last-element-from-an-array
- Note that you need more than 2 elements in the array for this to work properly according to answer.
<?php $foo=["one","two","three","four"]; echo "TEST " . $foo[count($foo)-2]; ?> Returns TEST three
Slim4 Framework Notes
return $this->respondWithData($data); throw new HttpBadRequestException($this->request, "Error message details");