Nms todo
Just notes on what I need to work on for the NMS..
- filesystem search with a regex on a per host basis
- rrd graph creation an link
- predictive on demand
- start / end global top of page for all shown RRD
- threshold shown? On demand?
- should rrd reflect active eventing based on shown metric?
- support export of data from rrd outside maybe
- figure out aggregation of different rrd into single graph
- stable
- need more logrotate opotions set
Graphing metric ingestion
graph data ingestion is working and APPEARS stable 06-04
- rrd
- graphite
- databaseMetric
- database
- file
- debugger
Notes on testing API Ubuntu 20.X PHP 7.4 testing on 8.X todo Slim4
Need to clean out unused adds in vendor.
Need to write SNMP class that is better fault tolerant
begin investigation of user auth and security system for application
Make pollers identifiable via GUID so we can have discrete monitors per poller/ host. Not just localhost support
Start code for Triggers
Finish code for Maintenance.. This will require DB changes for suppression
Activate production states in the event system
Begin reporting API
document all completed APIs (last)
remove old/ code eventually
begin buildout AWS monitoring and toolset
Begin Windows monitoring ability and tie to deviceProperties
Printer support or at minimum a template system defined with skels..
- template_printer_manufacturer_model.tpl
- template_snowflake_who_what.tpl
- snmp skel documented
- Curl skel
- shell skel? Does it even need to exist?
Build out fresh env and scratch install on minimal hardware
investigate the event ingestion API and look at mapping to make sure it is wired up correctly
Begin work again on UI/UX for existing API's
make complete list of API's and add into wiki