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Links to different tools
Local LAN links to different monitoring tests
- http://backup01:85/windowDetail.php?id=5d1036d709297
- http://backup01:85/wob2.php
- http://webserver01:82/event/tables/event.html
- http://larvel01:8002/events/stateChange/after/2021-10-11%2008:25:57
- https://observium.iwillfearnoevil.com/device/device=47/tab=ports/
Testing to be written
Testing and Unit tests for nmsApi will have to be documented here.
- In theory the validator in the api will catch most oddball errs.
- practical is run through 100% invalid "things" and 100% valid "things" and then mix
- mock the database?
- Test Database in parallel with main database?
- add automation into gitlab runner with a remote db for testing? Reasonable..
- build db, insert all defaults from a dump then test
- build a db with a large amount of 100% valid fake (but valid) data that we can hammer against